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In 2016, seven families came together and dreamed of a church where everyone would be excited to invite their friends to come hear about Jesus, and their friends would feel comfortable to attend and want to come back to hear more.


From that dream, GraceHill was planted with the idea that it would be a place where your story would meet His.


Flash forward to the present and God has blessed GraceHill with hundreds of people joining our mission, and we have seen so many lives transformed because of it.  But GraceHill has grown to the point that the first chapter of our story is done being written.  The theme of the first chapter was “plant the church.”  And by the grace of God, we are planted, self-sufficient, and thriving; to the point that we are maxing out our resources.  We have ministry going on at 3 different locations across Omaha and two worship services that are full.


Knowing this, we are ready to begin writing chapter two of our story, and the theme for it is “plant the flag.”  We need a permanent, stable place of our own. We need a 24/7 space to bring all of our ministries under one roof, create room for our current ministries to expand, and have room for new ministries to begin.


In this new chapter of our story we want to purchase or lease our own building that will allow us to do things like grow our worship services, create room for our MOPS ministry, our youth group, and our small groups. As well as start groups like celebrate recovery, divorce and step family care, and even start a Spanish speaking ministry.



Pray that God would bless this project and continue to lead us toward His will.


Continue to give each week as you do, supporting our current needs and ministries.


If you have the means to give above and beyond, please give a gift to the Dream Big fund (See below for details).


Help us find locations in our target area that fit our criteria ( >10,000 sq/ft, west of 168th Street).


If you have the needed skills and abilities, join our team to evaluate possible locations.

TOTAL GOAL = $500,000



(as of 10/20/19) 


We are so grateful for all of the gifts and pledges we have received from the GraceHill family!

If you have missed out on contributing and God has put it on your heart to give, we are still accepting donations. 

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